10 September 2019

Dean Woods


Department for Education Review of GCSE, AS and A Level Physical Education Activity Lists

Following a consultation which closed at the end of last year the Department for Education has today (Tuesday, 10 September 2019) published the government’s response to its review of the GCSE, AS and A level physical education (PE) activity list.

England Korfball welcomed the opportunity to input to the review but are disappointed that Korfball was not deemed to meet the full set of criteria this time.

Ellen Pearce, England Korfball Chair said: “Having provided input to the consultation in December last year, we were pleased to read the response this morning. It’s clear that korfball meets the first four criteria set out by the Department for Education: that korfball is ‘comparably rigorous’ in comparison with other sports on the list; that students can understand and implement tactics and strategies; successful performance requires the development of skills over time and that there must be a competitive element where students can be assessed.

“However, we were disappointed that it was deemed that korfball performance was not able to be assessed by PE practitioners, and as such has not been added to the list this time.

“With the huge growth in the popularity of korfball in primary education, we are committed to ensuring that young people have progression paths through both the education and club systems.

“At a time when the world’s focus is ever more on gender equality, it’s imperative that our sporting landscape also includes sports that model this gender collaboration and parity.”

For young people that are playing korfball or interested in getting involved, please contact Hannah Stockely… and she will be able to link you with the nearest club.

The full consultation response is available here.