31 July 2020

Hannah Stockley


Current guidance for all clubs

We would like to remind members that in June, EK published guidance for clubs and individuals who may wish to resume some forms of informal outdoor korfball training. This followed government announcements to ease the lockdown restrictions. The guidance can be found here.

At our latest meeting on 29 July the Board looked again at this guidance. It was unanimously agreed that, until such time as the government significantly changes their guidance OR our Return to Play plans are agreed by government, the previously published conditions, shall remain in force.

It is important that clubs understand the importance of adhering to this guidance, for a number of reasons:

  • Clubs not complying with the guidance will not be covered under the England Korfball insurance policy
  • The guidance is there to ensure the safe activity of our members, and until such time as we have a government approved Return to Play plan we do not have the guidance in place to mitigate the risks of potential transmission via the ball/other equipment
  • We need to be confident that our members can manage the risks appropriately as this underpins the feasibility of our Return to Play plan

The National Governing Body will take breaches of the guidance extremely seriously in line with EK’s Rules and Constitution article 3.6. Any failure to follow the guidance may, in accordance with the Rules and Constitution article 21.1, be deemed to be a case of misconduct. Among the sanctions that could be imposed in such situations may be the suspension of the offending individuals or club from EK membership.

We would like to thank our members for acting within the guidance and for their input to the Return to Play conversations thus far.