22 June 2023

Declan Kohl


National Youth Day 2023

Sunday 9th July 2023 at Beccehamian Rugby Football Club, Sparrows Den, Corkscrew Hill, West Wickham, BR4 9BB

National Youth Day is a competition for clubs and schools in support of their youth development programmes. A huge thank you goes to the organisers and hosts, London Korfball Association.

All entries must be received by Sunday, 25th June 2023, after which time entries may not be accepted. All entries should be sent to caraallan@hotmail.com (please state NYD in the email title).Team entries cost £30 per team playing 8 a side and £20 per team playing 4 a side.

Online payment should be made to the England Korfball bank account:
Sort code: 40-31-06
Account number 42208008

U9 and U11 will play Korfball4, i.e. 4 players with 2 posts. Teams should consist of 2 boys and 2 girls. Teams may participate that do not have 2 boys and 2 girls but they may not play in the top pool in the afternoon. However, as a minimum a team must have at least one player of each gender.

U13 will play 8 a side. Teams should consist of 4 boys and 4 girls. Teams may participate that do not have 4 boys and 4 girls but they may not play in the top pool in the afternoon. However, as a minimum a team must have at least one player of each gender in each section.

U15 will play 8 a side. Teams must consist of 4 boys and 4 girls.

Teams from clubs and/or schools are welcomed. Composite (mixed club/mixed school) teams are not permitted except for Under15s (this must be advised at the time of entering). However, the Under 15 competition will not go ahead unless a minimum of 4 legal teams are entered i.e. excluding composite teams. There will not be an Under 17 competition this year. Players cannot play down an age group, any team that plays an overage player will automatically be rendered illegal with the teams results excluded from competition.

• U9 – born after 31/08/2013 (school Year 1 is the youngest permitted, though not
encouraged, primary intention is Year 3/4)

• U11 – born after 31/08/2011 (school Year 3 is the is the youngest permitted, primary
intention is Year 5/6)

• U13 – born after 31/08/2009 (school Year 5 is the youngest permitted, primary intention
is Year 7/8)

• U15 – born after 31/12/2007 (school Year 7 is the youngest permitted, primary intention
is Year 9/10)

For EKL Premier Division clubs, this is the final opportunity to gain refereeing points by a fully
qualified referee, refereeing for the day. Please supply the name of any referee who may wish
to referee for the day to lolmore@outlook.com by the deadline of 25th June.