England Korfball announce new award in memory of Frank Sieber
In honour of the significant contribution Frank made to korfball Frank’s family and England Korfball announce a new award in his name – the Frank Sieber Award for Contributions to Youth Korfball.
Frank, 69, a long serving volunteer for Bearsted Korfball Club, Kent Korfball and England Korfball sadly passed away last month after a short illness.
Frank’s impact on our sport was massive, particularly with juniors and youth korfball.
The Frank Sieber Award for Contributions to Youth Korfball
Frank’s son Azzy said: “Frank would have been so honoured by an award in his name and it is a very fitting tribute to the man that dedicated his life to korfball and in particular to junior development.
“As a family we have been overwhelmed by the support from the korfball community and we would like to thank everyone for their great support during this difficult time.”
More details about the award will be announced in due course. The first award will be made at the Copper Box Arena at the Grand Finals weekend in May 2020.